Time Trial

In NASA Time Trial competition, anything goes, from prototype racecars and converted production cars to economy cars. Weight-to-horsepower ratios make for fair classes and lots of creative freedom to build the car you want. NASA Time Trial provides a venue for spirited on-track competition with a high degree of safety and convenience. NASA Time Trial allows qualified individuals to compete in a “best lap time” format in a prepared car in advanced level open-passing sessions, and bridges the gap between NASA HPDE 4 and wheel-to-wheel racing.

New to TT or NASA?: In order to compete in TT you need to have significant NASA defined Advanced HPDE experience. If you are new to NASA we reserve the right to require an evaluation period and may ask you to sign up for HPDE before allowing you to run TT. Some other organizations’ “Time Trial” groups differ in definition and practice, and we want to make sure any new to NASA drivers have proper understanding of our rules and procedures so you and all other drivers can compete in a safe environment. Checkout rides by the TT staff or senior instructors are available for HPDE 3 & 4 drivers to be evaluated for TT. If you are considering TT please fill out the license application and email TT Director, Matt.

Classes: NASA Time Trial runs 7 Classes, TT1-6 and TTU. These follow the same rules and classifications as the Super Touring Race classes. For specific information about classing and what is legal/not legal in each class consult the Super Touring/Super Unlimited section of the NASA rules page here.

Time Trial Rules and Forms

Class Forms: You will be required to submit Class Form and Dyno Results (including the Certification from Dyno Operator) online before your first event. Click HERE to access the Time Trial class forms.

If changing classes or modifying your car, please edit your submitted forms HERE.

Mandatory Meeting: Every Saturday and Sunday morning, we have a Mandatory Meeting (see Event Schedule for meeting time and location). If no location is noted, it is near the Driver Info area. If you miss this meeting you will not be allowed on track until you speak to the TT Director

If you are supersizing from a Race Group, go to your Race Meeting as TT will begin there as well.

2023 Season Information: PLEASE register at least 1 WEEK PRIOR TO EVENT – In addition – You must file NEW 2023 Class Forms regardless of class. Your Class Form (and dyno) should be submitted online  before the Mandatory Morning Meeting. Dynos expire if they are > than 3 years old.

Dynos – Dynos are valid for 3 years. A Dyno sheet must be accompanied by the Dyno Cert signed and attested by the Dyno operator and car owner.

Annual License – Please renew your annual license ASAP so it is on the books and you receive your hard card prior to your first event. If you have a NASA Competition License you can submit this instead. At your first event of the year with this region you must have proof of a license.